
Ohhh! Hi! I’m glad you are here.

  using System;
  namespace LusiitoDev.Blogs {
    public class FirstBlog{
      public static Main(string[] args){
        Console.WriteLine("Hello World!! I'm Luis Sandoval");

My name is Luis Sandoval, a software developer based in Cartago, Costa Rica and with the strong intention to be a good programmer, as you will see along this blog, I’m passionated about programming and all related with it (and as you can see Mr Robot is my favorite tv show 😁).

Nowadays my favorite programming languages and technologies are: C# (.NET and .NET Core), React.js, SQL Server, Android, Xamarin and Azure, so I will post resources that it has been useful for me in the past for my developments, and I hope they will be useful for you.

Enjoy your stay!!